Sample Data-Articles


【日期】3/10(週曰) 10AM-12PM

【日期】3/17(週曰) 10AM-12PM

【日期】3/24(週曰) 10AM-12PM





1/25 (初一)  1/26 (初二) 新春祈福法會暨佛前大供 10am - 12pm 
1/27 (初三) 佛前大供11am -12:00pm
1/28 (初) 念佛共修 10am -12:00pm
1/25 (初一) 1/28 (初四)  新春茶禪 10:30am - 3:30 pm 
1/25 (初一) 1/26 (初二)  新春特別活動 10:00am - 4:00 pm 
誠心祈願 / 所球圓滿 / 歡喜賓果 / 禪心揮毫 / 鈔經御守 / 與佛有約 
1/25 (初一) - 1/28 (初四) 新春祈願暨點燈活動 10:00am - 4:00 pm



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Introduction to Chan Meditation

Sunday, 8/19, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Heard about meditation but don’t know where to start?

Are you busy, stressed and seeking a way to relax your body and mind at any time and in any place?

Annoyed by many things all the time and would like to be in better harmony with yourself, the people around you and the environment?

Like to know more about yourself and be aware of your thoughts and your actions?


Come to join us in this 3-hour introductory program at Dharma Drum Mountain Los Angeles Center to learn and experience Chan meditation!

In this brief and condensed program, we will go over the concepts and methods of Chan meditation and put them into practice.  We will guide you through the fundamentals of sitting meditation, including various sitting positions, the proper body posture, relaxation and basic methods of concentration. In addition, you will learn about what is needed and what to avoid when practicing meditation on your own.

After this program, you will be prepared to start practicing Chan meditation in your daily life and be ready to attend our group practices on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings.   

Space is limited and registration is required.  To sign up, please click on ths link.                                    

This event is free. Donations are welcome and appreciated.




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