DDMBA LA Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by donations and maintained by volunteers. We deeply appreciate any contributions to our center, whether volunteering your time, physical labor, talent, resources at our center, or providing monetary support. Your generosity helps build and keep our programs and activities open to everyone who comes seeking peace, compassion and wisdom in life, as well as improving the learning environment for the community. Gifts of stock transfer and bequests are also welcome. If you need any assistance, please call at 626-350 4388 or email us at: ddmbala@gmail.com . Thank you for your support.
1. Check Donation
Please make check payable to: DDMBA LA Foundation and mail to:
DDMBA LA Foundation
4530 N Peck Rd El Monte, CA 91732
2. Online Donation
A. Zelle
I. Enter " ddmlac20@gmail.com " as recipient.
II. If you wish to specify how your donation should be used, please note it in the “message/memo” area. (General, or Sangha support)
III. If you need a donation receipt, please send an email with the information below to ddmlac20@gmail.com
*The name used in the donation transaction, the date and the donation amount, the name you wish to put on the receipt, and your mailing address and contact information.
B. Paypal or Credit card
3. Amazon Smile
DDMBA LA Foundation has joined the Amazon Smile program. If you select “DDMBA LA” as your charitable organization, every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a small donation to us. There is no extra cost to you; the donation comes from Amazon. To shop at Amazon Smile, simply go to smile.amazon.com and sign in with your amazon account.