Three Day Chan Meditation Retreat
Led by Dharma Heir, Gilbert Gutierrez
The emphasis will be on improving everyone’s meditation practice by establishing Right View practice and doctrine. This class will be suitable for all levels of practitioners, from beginners to advanced.
While Gilbert is very serious in presenting the Dharma, he mixes in humor to lighten the Chan Hall. He has a unique ability to present the profound Dharma in an understandable way.
About Gilbert Gutierrez
Gilbert Gutierrez has over thirty-nine years of meditation experience, which includes his study of various martial arts as well as Chi Gong. In 2002, he received Dharma Transmission from Chan Master Sheng Yen, making him the only Western lineage holder currently residing in the United States. He conducts retreats and lectures throughout North America.
His home base is in Southern California and he lectures regularly at the Los Angeles DDMBA chapter and with his own Riverside Chan Meditation Group in California. Gilbert teaches in a classical Chan style which inspires his students to investigate Chan through diligent practice.
【Date】8/31 - 9/2
【Time】9:30 am -5:00 pm (No Overnight Stays)
【Fee】Free. Donations are welcome.
【Registration】Please register in advance.

Link to Registration



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